The United Nations of Gaia Project

Humanity's Brightest Future

Charting A New Path 

Beliefs create behaviors. If we want to alter humanity's future and put an end to the self-destructive behaviors that our species exhibits, we are going to have to first alter humanity's beliefs.

Neale Donald Walsch

New York Times bestselling author of the Conversations With God series of books

We Need A People's United Nations

We believe that the world now needs a new kind of United Nations, one created by the people of the earth, in service to all People of Earth. We are at a critical time in our history where war and other forms of self-destructive behaviors are on the rise and apparently we don't know how to change direction or what a new direction would even look like. In fact, our leaders continue to address our many crises in the same old ways that have already proven to not work. That's why we've created The United Nations of Gaia Project whose objective it is to develop a full understanding of the true causes of our problems and create new models and proposals that everyone can understand. Our mission is to investigate honestly, communicate clearly, build wisely and organize effectively, and perhaps even to persuade gently, so that human beings everywhere can make their own decisions based on a deeper knowledge of who we are as a species and what is required in order to be successful in making a collective, positive shift toward Humanity's Brightest Future. 

This will become the people's United Nations, with a representative body called The World Peace And Unity Council, elected democratically and directly through our platform. This body will hold the vision of our brightest possible future, and how we can actually get there, based on what the vast majority of human beings desire most: peace, happiness, freedom, opportunity and security. We are convinced that the "old" United Nations also needs a new, viable vision for what it can one day become if and when it is able to free itself from its obsolete and limited form. We trust that the People of Earth can and will generate that vision collectively through the initiatives led by The World Peace And Unity Council. 

Welcome to the future of our world, where we know our earth as Gaia, where our people live as one and our nations exist in peaceful unity.

Humanity's Brightest Future

"According to Physics, there are an infinite number of possible futures that humans may or may not experience. Which one will be experienced depends on the decisions we make in the present moment."

...It would appear that humanity is currently headed somewhere very few people actually want to go, what we could call a dystopian future, or humanity's darkest future, characterized by many new technologies, and by the same old false beliefs and behavioral patterns that are becoming more and more self-destructive as we learn how to use our latest technologies to harm others.

To change our trajectory, an intervention is required in the present moment, right here, right now, that will address the root cause of our self-destructive behaviors. Our current belief systems are not allowing us to make the changes necessary to get us on track toward Humanity's Brightest Future, and that is why we are here today - to reassess our most closely held beliefs about Life, about the Source Of All Life and about Who We Really Are as a species - and decide anew what is actually true about all of this. This process is the essential key to charting a new path, individually for our own lives and collectively for all of humanity.

In order to accelerate the kinds of changes the vast majority of people would like to see, we've embarked on a mission to create a "People's Blueprint" for what we envision as Humanity's Brightest Future along with a Roadmap that can help us get there, creating the change from the bottom up and from the inside out. This is an initiative that intends to collaborate, not compete, with existing institutions, systems or individuals, in order to inspire and motivate, support and guarantee a more just and functional world in the decades to come.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

∼ Buckminster Fuller


We Need A New Model For The World

Every possible future exists simultaneously in the eternal Moment of Now. Which one we experience depends on the choices we make, individually and collectively, in the Present. We are here to imagine what we truly want our future to look like, and feel like, and to begin creating a New Model of the world, together - from the bottom, up and from the inside, out.

Take the full Tour

A Visionary Plan

Thinking Outside The Box

Hundreds of millions of people are calling for change but many simply don't know how to achieve it. What we've done at The United Nations of Gaia Project is to create a plan based on a deep understanding of the true nature of our many crises, one that can actually produce the kinds of changes that the vast majority of humans desire. Here's a short summary of our stated vision, mission and purpose:

Go deeper on this page: Vision & Mission.

A Great Name

Watch the video with a full explanation.

A good plan needs a good name, but we think ours is a great one because it represents a realistic and viable name for the outcome we wish to achieve: a new earth, organized in a way that will produce peace and unity in the world. Also, the name United Nations of Gaia is:

Go deeper on this page: Introduction.

Define The Dream

The Great Power Of Big Ideas

These are the 3 universal principles that will play a central role in making real, lasting change possible through the development of a New Model of the world:

Go deeper on this page: Introduction.

Be The Change

Unleashing The Power Of Love

We must be the change. These are the 3 Core Values that, when lived sincerely, will change your life for the better:

Go deeper on this page: Be The Change.

Stand United

Harnessing Our Collective Power

Our community is focused on building a New Model for life on earth from the bottom-up and from the inside-out. Through the Global Cultural Alliance and the World Peace And Unity Council we will achieve a critical mass (3-5%) with regard to the adoption of 3 core components of our framework:

Go deeper on this page: Unite For Change.

Designing Reality 

Focused Creative Energy

New systems brainstorming

Go deeper on this page: Design The Change.

Build The Future: 

Mastering Conscious Creation

A Platform For Conscious Creation

In our platform, we focus not only on what we create together, but also on how we create it, including the methods, techniques and the inner states of being we use. In our platform you'll find: 

Go deeper on this page: Build The Change.

Endless Opportunities

By looking into the future to try and identify which areas are most important to focus on, we've put a few major projects on our drawing board. But this is just the beginning and you can play a role in establishing new projects as we move forward. Also, if you are already involved in an important initiative that you feel is a part of Humanity's Brightest Future, then we are interested in supporting you. In fact, we believe that many, if not most, of the solutions that will help the world transition into a New Model are already being developed somewhere in the world. The opportunities for creation and collaboration are practically endless.

Go deeper on this page: Major Projects.

Something For Everyone

If you align with our Founding Principles and our Core Values, you may claim your virtuous citizenship (vCitizenship) in The United Nations of Gaia and join our social media platform as: 

No matter who you are, we're working to create the best possible environment for your participation and contribution. Let us know if you have any special requests.

Go deeper on this page: Unite For Change.

A Roadmap To Peace & Unity

Our roadmap lays out a series of practical steps that we believe will get us where we want to go. How slow or fast we move through the several steps of each phase depends on our community participation and support. Currently in PHASE ONE there are 3 main goals we intend to reach:

Go deeper on this page: Roadmap.

Rise To The Challenge

When we unite in the understanding that we are all one, every problem or crisis can be seen as simply a challenge that can be dealt with by coming together and collaborating in a timely manner. The more united we are, the more capable we become in tackling the really big challenges humanity is currently facing. However, rather than simply reacting to our many crises, it is through the Process of Conscious Creation that we can unlock the path to humanity's brightest future and open up the field of infinite possibilities.

The Time To Unite Is Now

When a critical mass of people choose to become the united human beings of earth, we will begin the process of truly uniting our nations as well, not just on paper, not just as a well intentioned gesture, but as a heartfelt reality. A reality we must choose consciously and with full awareness of who we really are as a species, recognizing as well that we are an integral part of this incredibly beautiful living ecosystem known as Earth (which we like to call Gaia). This is the key to forever putting an an end to war and to our many other self-destructive behaviors. It's becoming increasingly clear that we must do this now if we are to avoid the worst outcomes that humanity is currently creating for itself. If you too are sensitive to these issues, then you are in the right place.

The Choice Is Yours

Everything is One Thing, showing up in many unique and different forms. Fully understanding this will ensure that we humans will have the most extraordinary future ahead of us here on Earth. One way to play an active role in choosing this future is to join The United Nations of Gaia Project by clicking the link below.

If not now, when? If not us, who?

Are you a part of Humanity's Brightest Future?

We are currently in Launch Mode. Our community will open its doors once we reach 1,000 names on our waiting list.

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In the meantime, 

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An Invitation

You are invited to examine our broad-stroke outline for this Blueprint presented in the next few pages of this tour and then, if it resonates with you, join our project and explore the many ways in which you can participate and contribute to moving it forward. We've made it as easy as simply joining our free online community and as challenging as stepping into a creative leadership role, with an ever-growing list of opportunities in between. The choice is always yours. We hope you'll find our project as exciting as we do!

With hope, love and gratitude,
Steve SPR
CEO & Founder

Please Join Us.

Are you ready for New Earth?