Stand United 

Harnessing Our Collective Power

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”

∼ Margaret Mead
Cultural Anthropologist

Change... From The Bottom Up

"The United Nations of Gaia Project is an effort to build a bottom-up, democratic force that includes people from every nation and that seeks to harness our collective power to create intentional, positive outcomes..."

...In support of this process, we've created this platform to enable the realization of the highest aspirations we have for the future of our planet and all its people. By putting the focus on building what we do want, we won't expend our creative energies by simply being against what we don't want. But to get real traction, it will take Unity around such an inspiring idea at a level of critical mass. This is always the case where any progress is made which improves the lives of the many and sweeps in a major change to the status quo. Humanity's Brightest Future will come to pass one day because enough people of higher consciousness chose to unite in this specific moment in history to determine our own destiny, and not simply leave it to a handful of influential individuals of dubious wisdom. This is our job. And this is our time.

We Are Already Here

"We believe that there are already at least 3%-5% of humans on earth (critical mass) who hold beliefs, or are in the process of embracing new beliefs, that at some level support the vision and mission of The United Nations of Gaia Project. We are already here!..."

...Our task now is to find each other in order to come together and design and build a world that more accurately reflects who we really are as human beings. Then, we can make the project visible, accessible and comprehensible for those who will be attracted to it later.

Right now is one of the best possible moments in human history for our species to make a quantum leap and bring a new vision for the world, one founded in love, peace and oneness, into the mainstream, together with a roadmap to help us make it real. We have all the necessary tools, we have the resources and we have the required wisdom. At the heart of our vision is an upgraded belief system which more accurately reflects our highest truths and a platform that supports a collective, creative, democratic process which is available to everyone. Since all behavior is, put simply, an expression of our beliefs, it only makes sense to start where our many challenges actually exist: at the level of belief

Here are some of the main elements that will sponsor a true sense of unity, both inside and out:

A Cosmology of Unity

"Ultimately, there is only One Great Ocean of Consciousness from which all forms emerge and eventually return..."

A Cosmology of Unity states that everything in the universe, or perhaps the multiverse, is a part of a single whole. This implies that The Source of Life is not separate from Life itself. Whether or not you believe in such a thing as The Source of Life (aka God, Yahweh, Allah, Brahma, Universal Consciousness, etc.) this doesn't really matter. In a Cosmology of Unity (and in a Theology of Unity), the Creator (The Source) and the Created are one, the Created being simply the impermanent, physical manifestations of the Creator to which all things eventually return. To use an analogy, if the Creator is the Ocean, the Created are the Waves, each of which is distinct and unique in form but never separate from the Ocean itself. Energy can also be used as an analogy. When you understand that everything, including what we call "matter," is Energy, you also know that it cannot be created nor destroyed but only transformed. If Energy is also what we call Consciousness, you can start to understand that everything has some degree of consciousness and that ultimately, there is only One Great Ocean of Consciousness from which all forms emerge and eventually return. You, too, are One with the One Great Ocean of Consciousness. We are all One.

A Unifying Cultural Story

"Nothing divides us except the beliefs we hold and the stories we tell ourselves."

What is a cultural story? In our view, it's what emerges from our basic cosmology. It's about all the stories we tell each other regarding who we are as individuals and as different cultures, ethnicities, faiths and traditions, etc. Do they divide us or do they unite us? - It concerns what we believe regarding who others are, what is true about Life and everything in Life. And also what we believe about the Source of Life and what we think about what others believe. 

A Unifying Cultural Story is what emerges from a Cosmology of Unity as the stories which unite and bring people together, that speak the highest truth about our human nature and our relationship each other, with Life and Mother Earth and with the Source of Life. Our stories are ever present in our day to day interactions, in our own thoughts, and are determining factors in our choice of behavior in every situation. When our stories are expressions of a Cosmology of Unity, they lead us in the direction of Humanity's Brightest Future. In The United Nations of Gaia, we are working to rewrite our basic cultural stories so that they reflect the truth of our Unity and Oneness.

A Global Cultural Alliance

"In essence, we must agree to look closely at all of our beliefs and remove from our cultures, traditions, faiths, etc. every message that directly or indirectly invokes or supports division, conflict, hatred and violence."

There are many individuals and organizations in the world that are influential within our cultures, faiths and traditions. They might be authors, speakers, philosophers, etc. or they could be businesses, churches, non-profits, community groups etc. We invite them to join us in creating a Unifying Cultural Story for Humanity by joining a Global Cultural Alliance.

It's a process that's already begun, and we wish to accelerate and develop it. In essence, we must agree to look closely at all of our beliefs and remove from our cultures, traditions, faiths, etc. every message that directly or indirectly invokes or supports division, conflict, hatred and violence. Without this process, humanity will continue to cultivate beliefs and behaviors that are destructive. It's time to create a Global Cultural Alliance that commits to cleaning up the stories that we keep telling ourselves, so that we can finally clean up our act as a species.

A Planetary Identity

"One day people will spontaneously embrace a feeling of being from Gaia or, of being a citizen of The United Nations of Gaia."

As long as we are deeply identified with a specific geographical place and its culture alone, we are investing in Separation. However, the broader we extend our sense of belonging in geographical terms, the less we feel divided from those that are from a different area. For example, to be "Parisienne" (from Paris) separates you from those who are "Marseillais", (from Marseille), but because you are both French, that division is weaker. And being French separates you from the Italians, but because you are both in the European Union, that division is not felt as strong. The Europeans consider themselves separate from the Americans but because they both belong to "The West", they also feel a sense of unity with them. There are many people, usually those who travel a lot and spend time in other cultures, who consider themselves global citizens, and frequently they answer the question "Where are you from?" with "I'm from the World." This is real although not yet widespread. 

One day people will spontaneously embrace a feeling, not only of being from their country and region, but of also being from Gaia or, of being a citizen of The United Nations of Gaia. When this happens, it will be a clear sign of our project's success, and of an evolutionary leap for humanity.


"Humanity's Brightest Future will be the most natural and spontaneous manifestation of our unity, expressed and experienced, created by a growing population of vCitizens around the world."

People who agree on a Cosmology of Unity, who embrace a Unifying Cultural Story for humanity, who who are committed to a Global Cultural Alliance and who hold the feeling of belonging to a global community, are essentially united. This heartfelt unity can be symbolically formalized by claiming Virtuous Citizenship, or vCitizenship, with The United Nations of Gaia. We have made this opportunity possible to everyone and those who choose to take this step in good faith will unlock many features within our community reserved for vCitizens.

Humanity's Brightest Future will be the most natural and spontaneous manifestation of our unity, expressed and experienced, created by a growing population of vCitizens around the world.

We've coined the word "vCitizen" to indicate a person who is aligned with our Founding Principles and who has chosen to claim their virtuous citizenship in The United Nations of Gaia. The whole idea of embracing our vision is to recreate the world on a foundation of shared, universal principles, rather than on the defense of competing interests. When nations and peoples compete to defend their own interests at the expense of others, they create a "vicious circle" of division and conflict. On the other hand, when people and their governments understand that their own best interests lie in upholding universal principles and promoting the interests of all, they create a "virtuous circle", or better, a "virtuous upward moving helicoidal spiral" that is the natural movement of all evolutionary processes. In Humanity's Brightest Future, we are virtuous, not vicious, by choice. At the end of this Tour you will have the opportunity to claim your vCitizenship if you so choose.

Conscious Community

"We are forming a conscious community of people who feel they are significantly aligned with our Founding Principles and Core Values, and who have, to some degree, embraced a Cosmology of Unity..."

...These are what we believe to be at the heart of a Unifying Cultural Story which can erase all of our imagined divisions. These beliefs, principles and values represent the baseline for initiating cooperation in building a New Model of the world and gradually manifesting The United Nations of Gaia. Our online community platform is the primary tool we'll be using to come together, communicate, cooperate, organize, plan, create and share. It is designed to grow exponentially and be an additional tool to use in our daily lives alongside the many other social media platforms we already use.

Included in our social platform are these other important tools to help us Unite For Change


Once we start Uniting For Change, we will have begun to harness our collective power. Then, together we can use the Process of Conscious Creation, together with The Power of Love, to create real, lasting solutions that tackle the root cause of our many challenges.

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Unite For Change: Reaching Critical Mass

Our community is focused on building a New Model for life on earth from the bottom-up and from the inside-out. Through the Global Cultural Alliance and the World Peace And Unity Council we will achieve a critical mass (3-5%) with regard to the adoption of 3 core components of our framework:

Go deeper on this page: Unite For Change.