Build The Future 

Mastering Conscious Creation

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

∼ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poet and Philosopher

Creating New Paths

"Every problem exists simultaneously alongside its potential solutions. But to know what those solutions might be, you must first be aware of what the root cause of the problem actually is..."

...In this sense, every problem can more accurately be described as a challenge, requiring a higher level of consciousness in order to resolve it. 

Given that Belief Creates Behavior, we can assert that false beliefs create destructive and dysfunctional behaviors which in turn produce the unwanted conditions that we wish to change. The most effective way to approach any challenge therefore is focus on questioning our underlying beliefs and, if we determine that they are in fact false, replace them with ones that better reflect our highest truth of the moment. This is how we raise your level of consciousness and produce real, lasting change.

The Process of Conscious Creation

"When you are in touch with your highest truth, you will create your reality with Inspired Thoughts, Conscious Words and Focused Acts. When these 3 creative tools are all aligned and are an accurate expression of your most deeply held beliefs, you will give them form in the physical world..."

...Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Authentic Desire

"True desire is born in the soul, not in the mind. The desire of your soul is to experience the Self in a particular way while your Mind, on the other hand, gets to decide what to do about it..."


Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Clear Intentions

"Clearly stated intentions will set the wheels of creation into motion. When you use your mind to turn your desires into creative, "intentional" thoughts and words, you will have effectively chosen what you next wish to experience..."


Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Gratitude In Advance

"The sincere emotion of Gratitude, expressed before you achieve what you next wish to experience, is a vibrational magnet that will begin to call forth the perfect circumstances in which to create that experience..."


Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Trusting The Process

"True faith is knowing, with certainty, that everything you truly choose will sooner or later come to pass with the help of Universal Forces. In fact, it's through your choice of Thoughts, Words and Actions that everything is created. Trust The Process ..."


Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Living In The Now

Live patiently in The Now and know that your inner guidance system is pointing you in the right direction. Follow your enthusiasm. How you create your experience of this Present Moment is determining which of your possible futures will show up as your next moments of Now..."


Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Perfecting The Process

"Listening to your authentic desires, stating your clear intentions, expressing your gratitude in advance, trusting the process and living in The Now are like "programs" that can and should be all be running simultaneously. They're all aspects of one process. You can learn to be fully in the process at all times with awareness, because actually you are always in the process, just not always consciously. Become the conscious creator of your inner reality and your outer reality will always reflect it..."

...As we work toward mastering The Process of Conscious Creation, we'll become more and more capable of building big things. The kinds of things the world could really use right now as we begin to question some of our most deeply held beliefs and open up to the possibility that there's still much to understand about Life, about the Source of Life, and about ourselves and each other

Read more about this topic in our Courses section. (Coming soon)

Build The Future With Us

"You are invited to bring your knowledge and expertise in The Process of Conscious Creation into one or more of the Major Projects currently on our drawing board. Even just joining our free online community will have a huge effect.
Moreover, if you have your own project or organization that you believe is a part of Humanity's Brightest Future, you may list it in our Directory after joining the Global Cultural Alliance...."

... more coming soon.

Being is how we build. Doing is the methods we use. The attitude and the energy we bring to building something determines the quality of the end result. When we are united and we build with Love, there is no limit to what we can be and do together. 

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Build The Change: A Platform For Conscious Creation

In our platform, we focus not only on what we create together, but also on how we create it, including the methods, techniques and the inner states of being we use. In our platform you'll find: 

Go deeper on this page: Build The Change.