Define The Dream 

The Great Power Of Big Ideas

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

∼ Eleanor Roosevelt
Former First Lady of the United States of America



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Our Founding Principles

Our Founding Principles are universal principles. They are at the original center of all authentic faith traditions and philosophies, but have been generally misunderstood or completely disregarded. So much so that our current operating belief systems are informing us that the opposites of our Founding Principles are true. It is erroneously stated that Separation, Lack and Requirement are the inevitable realities we must live with. No wonder the world is a mess. We can correct this misunderstanding if we choose to.

Following are the 3 main principles we've placed at the core of our New Model that, when embraced sincerely, will change everything:


"We are all one."

The Universal Principle of Oneness states that We Are All One. One with the Source of Life (God, Universe, Energy, etc.), one with Life Itself (and everything in life) and one with each other. This is What Is So even when it appears the opposite is true.

The opposite of Oneness is Disunity, which is, however, simply an illusion.
Discover more on this topic here (coming soon).


"There is enough. All we need to do is share."

The Universal Principle of Abundance states that There Is Enough - enough of everything for everyone. All we need to do is share. This is What Is So even when it appears the opposite is true.

The opposite of Abundance is Insufficiency, which is, however, simply an illusion.
Discover more on this topic here (coming soon).


"There are no obligations, only opportunities"

The Universal Principle of Freedom states that There Is Nothing That You Have To Do. There is no requirement or obligation that impedes your freedom of choice, only an abundance of opportunities, each with its corresponding natural consequences. This is What Is So even when it appears the opposite is true.

The opposite of Freedom is Requirement, which is, however, simply an illusion.
Discover more on this topic here (coming soon).


Oneness, Abundance and Freedom are principles that describe the true nature of the human spirit and therefore a new and more functional reality must reflect this fact.
We begin to build a new model of the world by choosing first to Be The Change.

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Do our Founding Principles resonate with you?

Define The Change: 3 Universal Principles

These are the 3 universal principles that will play a central role in making real, lasting change possible through the development of a New Model of the world:

Go deeper on this page: Introduction.