Endless Opportunities 

What's On The Drawing Board

This is our current list of projects into which we are investing time and energy and consider our top priorities. If you have skills and experience that could be helpful in developing these projects, you may join one or more of our special projects groups in our online community and get further information on how to collaborate.

Social Media Platform

Coming soon.

Coming soon...

IT & Media Company

Coming soon...

New Systems Brainstorm Hub

Coming soon.

Coming soon...

The World Peace & Unity Council

Coming soon...

Powerful Voices of Unity & Oneness

Coming soon...

The Global Cultural Alliance

Coming soon...

Our Online Magazine

Coming soon...

The University of Gaia

Coming soon...

Retreat Center & HQ

Coming soon...

Cultural Embassies

Coming soon...

Large Event Planning

Coming soon...


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It's a path, will you walk it with us?

Endless Opportunities

By looking into the future to try and identify which areas are most important to focus on, we've put a few major projects on our drawing board. But this is just the beginning and you can play a role in establishing new projects as we move forward. Also, if you are already involved in an important initiative that you feel is a part of Humanity's Brightest Future, then we are interested in supporting you. In fact, we believe that many, if not most, of the solutions that will help the world transition into a New Model are already being developed somewhere in the world. The opportunities for creation and collaboration are practically endless.

Go deeper on this page: Major Projects.