Be The Change 

Unleashing The Power Of Love

“We look forward to the time when the power of love will replace the love of power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.” 

∼ William Gladstone
19th century British Prime Minister

Change... From The Inside Out

"Many people will agree that all real change must first come from within. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, said it this way: "you must be the change you wish to see in the world..."

...This means that if we wish to see more peace and love in the world, we must each do our best to become more peaceful and loving in our day to day interactions with others. This is the challenge we face and when we will all be significantly better at it, "then will the world know the blessings of peace." 

There are essentially two main energies with which humans express themselves and create their experiences: Love and Fear. To unleash the Power of Love in the world at a significant level, it's important that we question and, if necessary, upgrade our beliefs if they turn out to no longer ring true. Also, a deeper understanding of our basic values should be achieved to ensure that the ways in which we behave are clear expressions of love and not counterfeit versions, distorted by our fears.

Our own individual commitment to "be the change" and bring more love and light into our world is fundamental to ensuring that the creation of The United Nations of Gaia will be an "inside job", or rather, an authentic expression of the inner state of being of the people who choose to embody it. 

Our Core Values

"The following Core Values are clear expressions of Love. When studied, expressed and lived, they will change your life, if they haven't already...."

...Although they seem quite easy, straightforward and obvious, they have multiple layers of understanding that need to be explored in order to fully grasp their deeper implications. We'll do our best to provide you with some useful resources if you choose to dive in deeper.


"Being honest means, simply, that we no longer lie to ourselves or to others."

Embracing Honesty means that we are aware of our truth and that we tell the truth at all times.

We tell the truth to ourselves about ourselves. Next, we tell the truth to ourselves about others. Third, we tell the truth about ourselves to others. Then, we tell the truth about others to those others. Finally, we tell the truth to everyone about everything.

Being honest means, simply, that we no longer lie to ourselves or to others. 

Discover more on this topic here (coming soon).


"We are the sole creators of our own inner experience and the co-creators of the events that occur in our lives."

Embracing responsibility means that we are aware of, and honest about, the part we play in our own lives and in the lives of others. We are not simply victims or villains, winners or losers, we are the sole creators of our own inner experience and the co-creators of the events that occur in our lives, even when it’s hard to see how.

When there is something we should say or do that is important regarding how we are creating our experience and our reality, we will know this in our hearts if we are Aware. We will not deny this if we are Honest.

Discover more on this topic here (coming soon).


"We seek to know our highest truth in any given moment and be aware of it when we think, speak and act."

Embracing Awareness means that we do our best to be aware of everything. 

We strive to be awake. We avoid simply ‘sleep-walking’ through life. We seek to know our highest truth in any given moment and be aware of it when we think, speak and act.

Discover more on this topic here (coming soon).

Recognizing Fear And Choosing Love Instead

"When our thoughts, words and actions come from a place of Fear, it generally leads us to be, in some way or at some level, dishonest, irresponsible and unaware of the effects our choices will have..."

...Moreover, these outcomes are not what we would consciously choose to achieve and yet, it is what we will have created. This may lead to denial as a strategy to avoid responsibility and accountability followed frequently by projection, gas-lighting and cognitive dissonance, amongst other many psychological mechanisms aimed at preserving our self-image. The world is full of examples of this. It is important to learn how to recognize Fear when it is, in fact, the energy behind our decision-making, and to choose some form of Love instead. Love always leads to mutually beneficial outcomes, including the direct experience of ourselves being loving. Many of our Core Learning Programs are centered around this important topic.


Once we've chosen to Be The Change, we may choose to Unite For Change, specifically for the type of change that will make the world a kinder and more beautiful place for all. Our power lies in our unity.

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Do our Core Values resonate with you?

Be The Change: 3 Core Values

We must be the change. These are the 3 Core Values that, when lived sincerely, will change your life for the better:

Go deeper on this page: Be The Change.