A Great Name 

Reinventing The United Nations

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."

∼ John Lennon

Singer and songwriter


"When Franklin D. Roosevelt..."

...If k:

So What's In The Name?

"To begin building a New Model for our world, one that can produce and lead us to Humanity's Brightest Future, we start by giving our ultimate objective a distinct name that helps us keep our focus on what it is we're building together: a future union or federation created by people in order to unite all our nations and put an end to war and other self-destructive behaviors forever. In our vision it's called The United Nations of Gaia but it could be called something entirely different. It's the substance that matters."

...We believe this name serves its purpose but nonetheless we consider it to be a working title. By the time our species finally succeeds in creating a peaceful and united world that truly works for everyone, there could well be a completely different name or even no specific name at all.

a) The United Nations of Gaia Project is not associated in any way with the international organization we all know as The United Nations, however, it is within the range of possibilities that our project could be seen as representing the brightest future of this organization as well.
b) The United Nations of Gaia Project is not affiliated with any business that also uses the ancient Greek name Gaia in their title.

Let's have a quick look at why we chose the 3 key words that make up our title:


Unity is the experience of our underlying oneness with Life, The Source of Life and with each other.

As we let go of those beliefs that deny our oneness and embrace those that affirm it, we will experience our unity more deeply and appreciate our rich diversity more fully.

In Humanity's Brightest Future, we are united because we understand that we are all one.


A nation is the political expression of its people.

The future unity between all nations will be the consequence of an authentic sense of unity and oneness felt between all peoples.

In Humanity's Brightest Future, the many nations of earth will form a political union that affirms our common desire to exist in peace, making war and other atrocities literally impossible.


Gaia in ancient Greek mythology is the goddess of earth and in modern times is considered to be simply a more spiritual name for Mother Earth. 

By using Gaia as our name for the earth, we declare that we recognize and honor our oneness with all things as well as our commitment to respect and care for all of life, including this magnificent planet we call home. 

The United Nations of Gaia

The United Nations of Gaia is therefore a beautiful, functional and meaningful name for a New Model of the world that represents our vision of what Humanity's Brightest Future could look like if we choose to build it. The substance of this model consists of 3 Founding Principles, 3 Core Values, a Cosmology of Unity and a commitment to do our best to use Love to consciously create our personal and collective realities. That's it. 


Oneness, Abundance and Freedom are principles that describe the true nature of the human spirit and therefore a new and more functional reality must reflect this fact.
We begin to build a new model of the world by choosing first to Be The Change.

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A Great Name

Watch the video with a full explanation.

A good plan needs a good name, but we think ours is a great one because it represents a realistic and viable name for the outcome we wish to achieve: a new earth, organized in a way that will produce peace and unity in the world. Also, the name United Nations of Gaia is:

Go deeper on this page: Introduction.